Wise Age on BBC London Politics

Chris Walsh the Chief Exec of Wise Age was invited onto the BBC London Politics programme Friday 3rd November to debate with 2 politicians, one Tory, one Labour around the issue of what to do to help  more older working age people / pensioners  get the work they want. He emphasised the many benefits that older workers bring to employers while reminding viewers that the problem is not one of supply – there are many older people ready and able to work, but they face the barrier of ageism from most employers. He told the  MPs that what is needed is more focused support for older people from organisations with local knowledge and empathy and expertise in working with older people to help them overcome employer ageism. Both major parties pay lip service to the benefits of older workers but ar still lack an understanding of what is needed in practical terms, especially how to promote the benefits of age diversity to employers including the public sector. To view this click onto BBC London TV, the Politics programme at 3pm Friday 3rd.