We are now offering webinars every Tuesday between 11-12.30, starting Tuesday 25th October run by our 2 age and employment experts that will cover everything that you need to know about finding work as an unemployed senior.
Group Training for Over 50s – Tuesdays at 11.a.m.
If you are looking for work and aged 50+ why not join Wise Age’s weekly Zoom group, where we address a range of issues which affect older jobseekers, including:
- How to overcome ageism,
- How to sell employers the benefits of older workers like you
benefits of an age-diverse workforce,
- Where to find age-friendly employers,
- How to match your application to the job advert
- Mock interview support.
We also offer business start-up and self-employment support sessions.
The Link to the weekly webinar can be found here: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87603312153?pwd=SDZBUW5BNkNCeVFCaUVNaTBUNThNZz09
Thank you,
If you have trouble getting on please contact members@wiseage.org.uk
Wise Age