Helping older workers and supporting age friendly workplaces – lessons from Wales 

The Government of Wales has unveiled plans to make Wales an age friendly country with over a million-pound support package for local authorities. Within the wide-ranging strategy is the support provided to older workers and making workplaces age friendly. Included in the plans are:• Ensure older workers think pro-actively about their careers• Extending the all age apprenticeship scheme for the over 50s• Raising awareness of the rights of older workers and legal responsibilities of employers• Supporting employers to provide age friendly workplaces • Supporting digital training • Ensure lifelong learning

£1.1 million investment to champion older people as Wales becomes Age Friendly | GOV.WALES

Wise Age has been arguing for a similar strategic approach in London to help older workers but also to promote age friendly workplaces. What’s good about the approach in Wales is also how the Welsh Government have set targets and actively monitoring progress.