Please contribute to London’s Recovery from the pandemic
London has set up a London Recovery Board composed of London’s leaders from local government, business, the community, education and essential services to coordinate plans for recovery from COVID 19. The Board has drafted eight “missions” – broad challenges and objectives in different areas – to help guide the work programme for a future recovery plan which will be in place to help cope with the pandemic.
These eight missions are listed here and the Board want to hear feedback about these.
WiseAge has been lobbying for older peoples needs and voices to be fully taken on board in this recovery. We’ve produced our own London Recovery Plan see attached which sets out challenges facing older people and solutions which went to the London Recovery Board. One issue we’re campaigning for is to have a mission specifically devoted to the needs of older people – there is one for young people. For example, The employment situation for London’s seniors is worsening, especially those that are from BAME communities or have been shielding because of underlying health conditions. There are many other issues that also need to be raised, not least around health provision, transport, digital exclusion and more, so use your knowledge and lived experience to make sure our concerns are heard.
The London Recovery Board are inviting everyone to give feedback on the missions so it’s vital that older people get chance to feed in views now .
Feedback can be sent online through Talk London – for the instructions please see:
This provides details of the missions and questions for you to consider to help provide feedback but also please do look at our plan which has some suggested priorities.
Please do contribute as soon as possible and please share with friends and contacts.