Safeguarding the Health of All Clients & Staff

Wise age is committed to safeguarding the health of all our staff and clients. Therefore we will ask everyone to wash their hands and have tissues with them before all 121 or group support sessions 

We ask anyone feeling unwell or having a cough to let us know and not come in person to any session.

We will be happy to set up 121 sessions by phone or Skype between our consultants and clients instead of face to face arranged meetings . Please contact us to arrange this. Please read further information in the below link:

Wise Age ( or PAiL) wishes all our members, clients and volunteers the best of health on these worrying times. Please click on this link to get up to date advice from Age UK about what to do about coronavirus.

Make sure you are prepared for self isolation at home if necessary. Wash hands for 20 seconds after you go out, clean surfaces that anyone touches, stay 2 meters away from others and if you can get a mask and gloves. If feeling unwell with coronavirus symptoms stay at home. If it persists contact 111. If you are elderly or have a health condition let them know so that if appropriate you can be tested or get medical attention.

We wish everyone the best of health and luck.

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