the covid pandemic is still here!

Covid cases across the UK are still far too high. 

For updates on numbers, click here

For updates on numbers in London, click here–covid-19–cases.

We call on the government at all levels and of the departments responsible for our health and welfare to continue to research and monitor the situation, to be prepared to at least consider a return to social distancing, indoors mask-wearing and to stop charging people to now get tested and maintain a requirement that people self isolate after testing positive and can receive compensation for doing so.

Additionally, we need the media, public health and education authorities and government bodies to maintain health statistics, keep reminding people that this is still a major pandemic, that it is threatening the NHS and causing thousands more to die, especially those who are older, have medical conditions, are from black or ethnic minorities, are poor and have poor living and working conditions.

In this situation, we are not changing our advice from before – which you can see below – to keep yourselves and your loved ones safe.

We would also like to remind everyone including those planning for economic recovery that older people are the ones most likely to use London’s shops and high streets and that there are many key workers still needing to work mainly from home for their own safety – so these measures are good for our mental and physical wellbeing as well as it benefitting the economy.


Stay At Home

Staying at home unless it's necessary, working from home if possible, minimising use of public transport is important.

Wash Your Hands

Wash your hands often, for at least 20 seconds. When water & soap aren't available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser.

Monitor For Symptoms

The full list of Coronavirus symptoms is available here: You should monitor yourself to catch the warning signs early.

Wear A Mask Out

When going out into public spaces, ensure to wear a mask which covers both your mouth, and your nose. This is now a legal requirement in many enclosed spaces.

Social Distance

Respect social distancing wherever possible, ideally with a 2-metre distance, or 1 metre when necessary.

Keep Informed

Ensure you keep up to date with the latest information & regulations.

Stay Safe As An Older Person

Wise Age supports the need for ongoing vigilance against the COVID 19 virus which as the experts tell us has NOT GONE AWAY and risks a return. We agree that the best advice is coming from the health and scientific experts. Here is the link to the NHS guidance and to the government’s current advice  

While we welcome the opening up of society and the economy it MUST be done in a way that is safe for all. We do not agree with an ageist approach towards restricting freedoms for people just based on age, whether it is starting at 50, 60 or 70. What is required is further focused research on the levels of risk that particular individuals face and for their safety to be paramount. 

The key risk factors that need to be considered on the basis of health and scientific research to date indicates that those with underlying health conditions – including diabetes, obesity are most at risk, that BAME seniors have higher risk and should be protected at work and elsewhere, the older you are  after 60, 70 and 80  the higher the risk where  these other conditions apply, men are more at risk than women and those in poverty, those living in overcrowded housing  are  all higher risk categories as well as those in the front line of NHS, and care provision as well as other public facing workers like in  public transport, super markets and retail outlets. This is complex and requires clear risk evaluations and then followed by appropriate risk reduction at places of work, and in shared closed spaces.
The NHS and health experts said at the beginning there should not be restrictions based just on age but it is the duty of the government, employers and us all to maintain basic safety measures for all.


  • Stay Isolated.
  • Order a coronavirus test here.
  •  Monitor your symptoms.
  • Anyone you live with, and anyone in your support bubble, must also stay at home until you get your result.



Look for emergency warning signs* for COVID-19. If someone is showing any of these signs, seek emergency medical care immediately:

  • Trouble breathing
  • Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
  • New confusion
  • Inability to wake or stay awake
  • Bluish lips or face

*This list is not all possible symptoms. Please call your medical provider for any other symptoms that are severe or concerning to you.

Call 999: Notify the operator that you are seeking care for someone who has or may have COVID-19.