Wise Age has been actively engaged with the process of developing Age Friendly London plans and with proposals to make the London recovery Board age aware and inclusive of older people’s needs, particularly relating to employment.
Our aims
Older workers are not neglected in the job market and suffer unfairly.
Older workers are at risk of being laid off and face a tougher job market. Many older people have decided to take early retirement or an enforced drop out of the job market. Apprehension of older workers who face a return to work in terms of safety
How to get there
- Assessment of local rates of furloughing older workers and redundancies
- Introduce tailor-made job seeker support for older workers
- Develop schemes for skills development for older workers
- Ensure employers do not discriminate against older workers through better monitoring
- Ensure safety protocols in place for older workers returning to work
- Support for an educational programme to be promoted to and with London’s employers around the benefits of an age-diverse workforce and retaining and hiring older and younger workers in a fair and equitable way
If anybody has any suggestions/comments, get in touch.