We support the work of Positive Ageing In London in developing age friendly proposals for London
Wise Age is actively engaged in developing the Employment and Skills domain as the voluntary sector lead in the Age Friendly london working group which is working with the GLA to develop ideas, priorities and policies relating to age.
Good practice: German model (Flexible Support Fund) where the 50+ are given long term focussed support, and active job matching, to get them into work. This scheme has a 50% success rate.
- It was agreed that more of an emphasis on the work and health of older Londoners should be prioritised
- PAiL will continue to raise awareness of keeping older people skilled and educated
- Older workers should get further high-level training for continuing professional development
- Encourage older people to act as mentors for the 40-50 age bracket, to pass on their skills and harness their expertise in effective practice
- Learning reviews to be carried out at key points throughout life e.g. 25, 50 and 75 years of age
- Provide intergenerational learning opportunities for the benefit of all age groups
- Life-long Learning support to be centrally funded
- The benefits of recruiting, retaining and retraining older working people as core workers to be promoted
- The knowledge, experience, commitment and skills of older Londoners to make up the shortfall
- After Brexit in core public services
- Vocational training /apprenticeships to be available for the 50+
- Self-employment/business start-up training opportunities
- Landlords with empty commercial/industrial premises to be encouraged to make their properties available at favourable rates to start ups
- The Mayor should lead by example and publish annually the data for TfL and GLA on the numbers of staff in work, being recruited, and made redundant – defined by age group
- Conduct further research involving the Mayor, GLA, DWP, the community and voluntary sector, Employer and Trade Unions as to employers? current and future needs, including the SME sector – what are the skill shortages and train in those areas, particularly in the information and automation sectors
- Phase out zero hours employment contracts
- Training/support for self employed