Wise Age welcomes the Work and Pension Committee report published today (Work and Pensions Committee calls for more employment support to address economic inactivity – Committees – UK Parliament) urging the government to have a fresh approach to employment support in tackling economic inactivity, including support for those outside the benefit system notably older workers.
Wise Age gave evidence to the select committee and is pleased the committee recognises the pernicious effect of ageism for older workers and difficulties facing older workers both seeking work and retaining jobs It supports the committee’s recommendations to help older workers including:
- Employers to be supported by DWP to create job roles and a workplace environment attractive to older workers, emphasising the value and experience that older people bring to the workplace.
- DWP establishing a scheme to champion older workers and encouraging employers to hire staff over the age of 50 with an accreditation scheme and publishing staff data on over 50s employment.
- More support for older workers setting up a business.
- Employment support being devolved to groups of local authorities who can respond better to local needs as part of a strategic approach to employment in their areas.
Wise Age hopes the Government accept these recommendations as part of much needed strategy to tackle the problems facing older workers.
Read here the submission Wise Age made to the committee in February WISE AGE SUBMISSION TO HOUSE OF COMMONS SELECT COMMITTEE ON WORK AND PENSIONS: February 2023 – WiseAge