We are starting a series of webinars for employers every Monday from 10 AM to 11.15 starting Monday 24th October, which will cover the business benefits of older workers, age and employment legislation, myths and realities of older workers, how to be an age friendly employer and why and how to embrace age as part of your Equity , Diversity and Inclusion policies.
Group Webinars for Employers.Organisations
Are you an employer, or an organisation wanting to become more age-positive?
Why not join Wise Age’s Webinars for Directors, HR and Personnel managers and Heads of Equality
and Inclusion departments?
We offer a practical guide and presentation on How andWhy to become an Age-Friendly Business, in addition to help in understanding the law on age and employment equality.
The Link to the weekly webinar can be found here: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87603312153?pwd=SDZBUW5BNkNCeVFCaUVNaTBUNThNZz09