The following are services which we can provide at no cost to you as an employer as this work is part of our Trust for London funded age-friendly programme:
• We can offer both wide employer networking Virtual Events to which we would invite your relevant and senior staff – or meetings just for your staff to enable you to engage with our community of senior experienced, motivated candidates from managerial and professional workers through to reception, security, or cleaning staff to help you find the right older working-age candidates (and increase your brand awareness among our seniors).
• Regular summaries from our research of insights into the labour market for older workers and key issues for employers together with a review of best practice in enhancing age–friendly workplaces and combatting ageism. This will draw on our extensive knowledge of best and innovative practice around the UK and also (through our membership of Age Platform) best practice from across Europe.
• We can provide you with our monthly reports to understand more about the page views of your company and its adverts and hiring policies including job views and applications per month –we could break this down more with extra data.
• As part of our ongoing social media work, we will include regular information on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook and our other Social Media Posts about our work with you and highlight your current vacancies sent to our site.
• We will be producing a regular Newsletter and can offer you inclusion with good news stories e.g., personal story (including possible success stories about a recent employee (50+) joining your company as well as job alerts.
The following are additional services we can offer your company, at a reasonable cost as we are a charity, and can offer a free initial event or service to start off our partnership:
• Specific tailored events for your company – including an introduction to Age Equality and the benefits of an-age diverse workforce for senior relevant members of staff, HR, and Personnel managers etc. It includes ageist myths, the reality that older workers bring benefits to companies, the business, marketing, and branding benefit of having an age-diverse workforce and practical ways in which you can make your company age-friendly. This would be customised for you but draw upon the work we did with previous corporate clients and would be delivered in person by one of our experts accompanied by PowerPoint presentations and handouts. This can be delivered in person and/or by Zoom/Teams, depending on your preferences.
• Webinars – we are experts at providing HR departments within companies with specific training sessions around the benefits of older workers and age diversity, how to become more age-friendly and promote yourselves to the growing silver market and meet age employment equality legislation which could be provided for staff from across the UK.
• We can provide bespoke intelligence reports for your company, building on data, best practice and intelligence on age-friendly employment and older workers. These could be used for internal briefings and policy making within your company.
• We can offer Job Postings on our site; linked to our candidates’ CV page. We will also work with you to group candidates and jobs by job type, location, and sector. We would also be prepared to screen candidates in advance so that you are not inundated with inappropriate candidates as we will send you only those that meet key Personal Specifications, We will also be promoting your job adverts and recruiting candidates via our own social media and links to recruitment sites.
• We can offer Job posting advice/application advice to seniors and confer with your relevant HR staff to ensure that you are age-employment compliant and help you understand better the situation and needs of older candidates and promote these new service approaches to relevant groups and clients