Redundancy, when you’re in your 60s, can be devastating. An anonymous article in Metro, I was made redundant at 63 and now I have to lie about my age on my CV | Metro News describes vividly someone’s experience of being made redundant at 63 and the difficulties of finding another suitable job – a great case study of older workers now which is all too common. This person experienced ageism in a companywide restructuring and as they poignantly say about their experience, “the cruel thing about ageism is that it isn’t blatant, it isn’t anyone thing that is explicitly said, but you just ‘know’, and that is demoralising”. This account is illustrative of the difficulties facing many older workers facing challenges in the job market. 38 percent of older workers are still trying to get back in a year after being made redundant. Wise Age is campaigning with employers and policymakers in London to promote age-friendly employment practices and challenge ageism which as this article shows can cause such personal distress and financial hardship.
Tim Whitaker, Trustee Wise Age